Contemporaries. Spanish cinema
Contemporaries. Spanish cinema
Contemporaries. Spanish cinema
Contemporaries. Spanish cinema
Contemporaries. Spanish cinema

Contemporaries. Spanish cinema

"Contemporaries" is a selection of recent Spanish film productions. If we want to define today’s Spanish cinema, if we are to look for the characteristics that most characterize its identity, we should definitely highlight the diversity of content, the variety of formats, and the myriad of forms of productions. This program gives us a taste of contemporary productions: five films that represent different genres and themes of Spanish cinema, both in the field of fiction and documentaries.

25 november 7:30PM - La reconquista (Jonás Trueba, 2016)
26 november 7:30PM - The Invisible Hand / La mano invisible (David Macián, 2016)
27 november 7:30PM - The Giant  / Handia (Jon Garaño, Aitor Arregui, 2017)
28 november 7:30PM - The Next Skin / La propera pell (Isaki Lacuesta, Isabel Campo Vilar, 2015)
29 november 7:30PM -  El mar nos mira de lejos (Manuel Rivas, 2017)